So I've been going through a book with my one of my friends and it's called Do Hard Things and it goes through and talks about going outside of the social norm and your comfort zone. It's really taught me a lot and it's reinforced things that I've already known. Today we discussed these 4 questions:
- What areas of my life do I not care about that I know I should care about?
- In what areas have I fallen short of God's standards and my own potential?
- In what areas have I settled for just getting by when I know I could do better if I really tried?
- In what areas have I decided that things "will always be this way" without ever putting in the kind of effort that really changes things?
I would love to have a conversation with anyone that would like to. Just let me know. =]
I really enjoyed going through these questions and it really made me analyze my relationship with God and how sometimes I really undermine His power. It's really reminded me that God is always walking with me and He's always got His hand on my shoulder guiding me through life.