November 14, 2009

Painting and friends

So, today we had the church breakfast which was very nerve raking because I had to watch my own video. It's so weird to see and hear yourself. ahh. Oh well, I survived.

So after that I went over to Amy's and we sat down and watched Monster's Inc. 2319!!!!!!!! yess, that's right. Then we painted her kitchen. I never know painting could be so much fun. I definitely fell on the ground twice because I could not contain my laughter. You pretty much had to be there to understand how hard I was laughing. Let's see if I can give you a few examples. Beth: "I love you like a fat kid loves cake." Me: "I hate you like a fat kid hates fruit." hahaha. Beth: " Not trying to toot my own horn here..." Amy: " Toot Toot!" hahaha. Wow, good times.

mmhhhhmmm then we went to my FAVORITE restaurant...BW'S!! We got SOOOO many wings it was redic. They were delicious thought.

After dinner I went to the Blair's to give them my left overs, and I ended up watching Juno there!! yess!! One of my favorite movies....ahhh!!! Josh wasn't a fan, but that's okay. =]

1 comment:

  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA not to mention I almost fell of the counter and ladder a few times from laughing so hard. Oh, goodness one of the best day ever!!!!
