December 27, 2010
Winter Break
December 10, 2010
Finals Finals Finals
December 8, 2010
No One
November 30, 2010
Do Hard Things
So I've been going through a book with my one of my friends and it's called Do Hard Things and it goes through and talks about going outside of the social norm and your comfort zone. It's really taught me a lot and it's reinforced things that I've already known. Today we discussed these 4 questions:
- What areas of my life do I not care about that I know I should care about?
- In what areas have I fallen short of God's standards and my own potential?
- In what areas have I settled for just getting by when I know I could do better if I really tried?
- In what areas have I decided that things "will always be this way" without ever putting in the kind of effort that really changes things?
I would love to have a conversation with anyone that would like to. Just let me know. =]
I really enjoyed going through these questions and it really made me analyze my relationship with God and how sometimes I really undermine His power. It's really reminded me that God is always walking with me and He's always got His hand on my shoulder guiding me through life.
November 11, 2010
Best Friend
Sure I have Amy, Kayla, Carley and Kerri as my best friends, but they all have others as their best friends and it sucks. Amy and Kayla were best friends long before I came into the picture. Carley now has Kate and Kerri has her roommates seeing as how she's a senior this year. It just sucks not knowing who I'm going to room with next year or not really having a friend that I don't always feel like a third wheel with.
Emily and I have been getting a long better then ever before and I'm starting to get really sad that she's moving off campus next year. I would room with her again in a heartbeat. It sucks that everyone I would love to room with already have roommates. =[
It was such an easy transition at first, but when I started loosing my best friends from home it started to get harder and harder. And I had this talk with Amy and Kayla and they said they consider me just as much their best friend as they consider themselves best friends. Which was really nice to hear and it helped quite a bit, but it's still rough.
Maybe someone will come around next semester...who knows...
November 4, 2010
November 1, 2010
I really just want to be in my nice cozy bed back home. With my daddy near me to help me feel better. So far, I'm not really enjoying this whole college thing...
October 16, 2010
Crazy Love
1. Page 42 "Why are we so quick to forget God? Who do we think we are? is all about God and not about me at all." I always struggle with this. There are many times where I make excuses thinking that God wouldn't care if I did this or that, or God's too busy for me right now so I'm too busy for him. And quite frankly I don't want to live like that anymore.
2. Page 46. "You never know When God is going to take your life. At that moment, there is nothing you can do about it. Are you ready?" Am I ready? Of course I'm not ready. Sure, I'm ready to go party it up with Jesus but there is still so much I want to do and see and there are people out there I haven't met, many people who I haven't told that they mean a ton to me. But, what am I waiting for? If God decides my life is over tomorrow, I've wasted an entire day not doing those things, and not doing what God wants me to do, spread his love. I have GOT to get on this.
3. Page 69. "Lukewarm people tend to chose what is popular over what is right when they are in conflict. They desire to fit in both at church and outside of church; They care more about what people think of their actions then what God thinks of their hearts and lives" Oh my goodness did that one ever hit hard. I've always tried to fit in, tried to be friends with everyone, and see how much I can get away with and still feel like I'm right with God. Yeah, well, that needs to needs to end now. It needed to end a long time ago. I need to stop trying to fit in and only care about what God thinks of me, cause quite honestly if people don't like me for who I am and for following God, well that's their own problem.
4. Page 95. "If life is a river, then pursuing Christ requires swimming upstream. When we stop swimming, or actively following Him, we automatically begin to be swept downstream." Isn't that the truth? I have experienced this many times in my own life. As hard as it is to swim upstream, being swept down it is so much worse. I'm doing my best to keep my focus on God and live everyday for Him.
5. Page 97. "Are you willing to say to God that He can have whatever He wants? Do you believe that wholehearted commitment to Him is more important than any other thing or person in your life? Do you know that nothing you do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people He has made?" I have parts of my heart "blocked" off, too afraid to let anyone in to them, even God. Yup, that's going to change too. It will take time, but I'm willing to let God have everything in my life. I'm ready to show His love to everyone I encounter. I'm ready and wanting to do this.
6. Page 106. "Life isn't perfect when you follow Christ wholeheartedly ; you will have troubles Jesus says-it is pretty much guaranteed." This is something that didn't really surprise me at first, but I had to read it twice in order to get the full affect. I think this is something a lot of people don't understand. Life will always bring up troubles, but it's how you act on them and how you get through them that make them better then not relying on Christ.
7. Page 166. "Remember those retreat highs followed by the inevitable lull? Or the excitement you felt on your first mission trip but forgot shortly once returning home? Memories are wonderful, but do you live differently because of them?" If someone were to come and ask me that question right now, I would say no, I don't. I have every intention to but then "life gets busy" and I it never turns out the way I plan. If I lived differently after every Sno camp, or every Beaver Creek, or every influential Bible study I may have been able to touch more lives then I have. Not living out what God has called me to live out is not something I'm happy about. But I have to move on and do better the next time. I need to live out what I continue to learn each and every day and touch as many lives as I can.
8. Page 170. "We never grow closer to God when we just live life; it takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness." That's exactly what I've been doing, just living life and doing little things here and there to get closer to God. I pay far more attention to my friendships then I do with my relationship with God and in reality I need to pay far more attention to my relationship with God. I know I'm not the only one that does this, in fact, I know we have all sat there and were like "I'm too tired to read my Bible or to pray I'll do it tomorrow." or "I'm going to do this and then read my Bible" and really reading our Bible never happens. Now I'm not saying reading your Bible is the only way to grow closer to God, because it's most definitely not the only way, but it does help a ton.
Now, this isn't everything I learned from this book. There was so much more I had marked down and I would LOVE to sit down and have a conversation about this book with anyone who like to. Since reading this book I have gone out and bought my copy so I can read it again, learn new things, and mark it up the way I want. I would highly recommend reading this book if you have not already.
October 5, 2010
October 4, 2010
Home vs. School
September 20, 2010
Personal Narrative
I never really understood the true meaning of happiness until about 5 years ago. All my life I had been searching for the meaning. I no longer had to search for it…
When I was born, my parents had baptized me as Catholics would to please my grandparents. We went to a Catholic church until I had my first communion. Then we stopped going to church all together. I always felt something missing in my life, I had always known there a God but never truly believed.
I went to church every once in a while with my friends, but it wasn’t until the summer going into 7th grade that I started attending a youth group regularly. I was attending the middle school youth group at Fox River Christian church in Waukesha WI on Wednesday nights. After my best friend moved to California at the end of 8th grade I stopped going. It wasn’t until the summer going into 10th grade that I started believing again.
I was visiting my aunt and cousins that summer for the first time by myself. I was so nervous because I had never really spent any length of time with them. Sure, we talked and hung out at family gatherings but that was the extent of our relationship, so this was something new and it made me really nervous. Well it turned out that the same week I went up there, my aunt was having a rummage sale with some of her friends. I went outside to sit and chat with them and while we were talking the song “Who am I” by Casting Crowns came on the radio; that song was and still is my favorite song. My aunt, who was in complete shock, looked at me and said “How do you know this song”, I had to explain to her that my friend and I listen to this song all the time. That night after we put my cousins to bed my aunt and I stayed up talking. We talked about everything, the good, the bad, and anything in between. She kept telling me to follow God and that He has a path for me. It seemed as if we had been talking for no time at all, but in reality we had talked for 3 to 4 hours, it was 11:00 p.m., we had to get up with the kids the next morning, and we had another day of the rummage sale, so it was time to get to bed. Well after our talk I couldn’t sleep. I kept tossing and turning, thinking about what she said.
Sunday came around; my uncle had come home from his business trip, and after a very fun week of meeting new people and hanging out with my family it was unfortunately time for me to leave. I was lucky enough to go to church with them that Sunday. It was there that I accepted God into my life for the final time. I was done playing games. There was no turning back; I didn’t want to turn back. I finally found the missing piece in my life and that was God.
February 18th, 2009 I got a letter from my brother. He told me that he looked up to me and I inspired him to do something, and that was finding his religion. He told me that he reads the Bible everyday and goes to church every Sunday. He said I inspired him to follow God because I found and followed Him all by myself.
This made me truly happy. I was so glad that God used me as a light. I was and still am so happy that I’m no longer the only one in my immediate family that is a Christian. Growing up in a non Christian home and being the only believer was very difficult.
I no longer worry about the problem in life because I know God will take care of them. I had been praying about my brother for at least a year and God had answered that prayer. I know that I can live life to the fullest as to how God wants me to and I know he’s got a path for me and have everything under control.
May 24th, 2009 I got baptized. This was the day I showed the world that I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I was super nervous because I thought my youth pastor would hold me under too long, all because I shoved cake in his face. However he didn’t hold me under for too long and everything turned out okay. That has been the best decision I’ve made in my life so far, and more then likely will continue to be the best decision in my life.
Accepting God into my life and giving up my life to follow Him and do His works has changed my life upside down. I now have hope and joy in my life. I don’t have to worry about tomorrow because I know God has it under control.
Taking that step not only changed my emotional aspect of life, it changed my life socially too. Ever since that moment I’ve met some awesome people. People I wouldn’t of met otherwise. These people have become my friends, mentors, leaders and most importantly my family. These people are the constant reminder of what I can achieve in life and the work god continues to do in my life. I have done a 180 with my since I’ve met fellow Christians who also share the same love for God. We keep each other countable and on the right track.
Going off to college and being a part from those people has been a little difficult for me. It’s for far less difficult than I thought it would be because I’ve met so many people who are Christians as well. There is no way these new friends could ever help me in the same way the people back home did, but they help me in new ways. Ways that I didn’t think I needed help. They show me new things all the time and continue to help me grow.
Allowing God into my life couldn’t have turned out any better. If I wouldn’t of taken that step in my life I would of missed out on a ton of wonderful opportunities and most importantly a terrific life change.
I LOVED looking back at my testimony again. It was a great reminder. =]
September 4, 2010
Hello from EC
Sunday- We had a ton of meetings and get to know you things
Monday- More meetings and get to know you things and a dance party
Tuesday-was a day to our selves for the most part. Just getting to know the town
Wednesday- the same as before
Thursday- classes started
Friday- SO much fun...hung out in my basement and met a ton of people
Saturday- Tye dye!!!! football and I almost died. It was scary.
I miss you all and I hope that everything is going well for you back home. I would love to hear from you, weather by skype, email, phonecall, snail mail, or something!!!!! Just let me know. =]
Love you!!
August 24, 2010
My last week aka the best week ever
August 19, 2010
July 24, 2010
July 23, 2010
July 15, 2010
May 20, 2010
Real tough
May 10, 2010
Best Weekend Ever
Prom + Senior skip at the zoo + Friends most definitely equals the best weekend ever!!!!
Saturday morning I took coffee over to the Kammerer's and they did my hair and make up and Tracy got me my flower thing for Josh so that was one less thing I had to stress about. Then we did pictures and the dance!!! It was so much fun dancing with K and Car. Not dealing with the nasty dancing people. Way cool. Then we went to the post prom party at the bowling alley and EVERYTHING was free!! and I won a GIANT bag of skeeto's!! Then we went to Anna's and K, Car, and I went on a walk and sat on the driveway and talked. Then we watched the sunrise at Retzer. After standing in the freezing cold Mrs. K made breakfast for everyone. It was very yummy. After breakfast I hung out and the Kammerer's for a while, then the Mingo's and finally church. Carley and I were trying our hardest to stay awake because at this point we had been up for 28 hours straight. Then K, Car, and I went to Starbucks and got even more coffee. And on our way back to K's a bird flew into my windshield and we were dying of laughter and we threw ourselves on K's lawn and were screaming and laughing and it was really crazy. Then dinner at my aunts and a sleepover at K's!! I stayed up for 37 hours straight...CRAZY!!!
Monday was senior skip day. I went to coffee with K and Car in the morning...surprise surprise. Then I got to go to the zoo!!!! It was so much fun!!! I went with the wonderful Mingo's and Tracy's friend and her kids. I loved it!! Definitely a GREAT way to spend senior skip day! I love those kids with all my heart and was so glad I got to spend the day with them.
Now it's time to head back to school. Bummer. =[ Oh more month. And next week is SIX FLAGS TRIP!!!!!! And my last band concert
May 3, 2010
You're decisions are your decisions and my decisions are my decisions. =]
April 30, 2010
April 27, 2010
Sorry this was just a bunch of randomness.
April 18, 2010
Please understand
April 14, 2010
Nothing else
It may have been a stage that God needed to change my life through. Which definitely happened, if I never would of went through this I don't think I would be this close to God because I wouldn't of had all these troubles that I needed to look to God for help getting through them.
Oh how I love my God.
March 25, 2010
Does anyone hear me?
A hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
She is trying
But the canyon's ever widening
In the depths of her cold heart
So she sets out on another misadventure just to find
She's another two years older
And she's three more steps behind
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
She is yearning
For shelter and affection
That she never found at home
She is searching
For a hero to ride in
To ride in and save the day
And in walks her prince charming
And he knows just what to say
Momentary lapse of reason
And she gives herself away
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Can anybody see?
If judgment looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we've never even met her
If judgment looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we've never even met her
If Judgement looms under every steeple
If lofty glances from lofty people
Can't see past her scarlet letter
And we've never even met her
Never even met her
(Never Even Met her)
(OHHHHH)Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see?
Or does anybody even know she's going down today
Under the shadow of our steeple
With all the lost and lonely people
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? (Does anybody hear her?) Does anybody see? (Does anybody See?)
Does anybody even know she's going down today?
Under the shadow of our steeple (shadow of her steeple)
With all the lost and lonely people (Lost and Lonely people)
Searching for the hope that's tucked away in you and me
Does anybody hear her? Does anybody see?
He is running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong direction
Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)
To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
If only you knew.....
March 3, 2010
February 25, 2010

So, when I got my senior pictures done the lady I did them with said that since I was a rep I could do a group shot. Well, we finally got together to do it and these are the pictures that turned out. =] I couldn't ask God for better friends. These are the people that have come into my life and I know they will never leave.
"Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they are meant to be there; they serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or help you figure out who you are."
Love you all!!
February 9, 2010
It's taken me a year to figure this out, but I'm really glad I did. Good things happen in really messed up ways sometimes.
On January 12th, 2009 you went into prison. I was so angry and upset that I couldn't explain it and I really don't know if I'll be able to explain it now, but I'll try. All I could think was "Why would he do this to me? Why would he treat me like this when I've done nothing but everything for him? How could he do this to my family? How could he be so selfish?" and the list of questions continue, but I think you get the point. I never thought we would be that family that was so messed up. With mom being an alcoholic and now you being in prison, I didn't know and didn't want to know what else could go wrong.
You all of the sudden wanted to be a huge part of my life, and I wasn't sure I was ready to let you in. I had NO choice but to be there for you when I was growing up, us being 10 years apart an all, I had to go to all of your stuff. You had a choice to be a part of my life when I was younger, you had the option to stay home or come to one of my school events or a sporting event, you just chose not to. I was so mad at you for not coming to anything. For treating me as if I was nothing. I couldn't believe you seriously expected me to be there for you when you needed it.
Then, on February 18th 2009 you wrote me a letter that I will never forget. In that letter you told me you had found God. That I had lead you to it, watching me go to church on my own, watching me change my life around when I rebuilt my relationship with God, and you said you were ready to do the same. I couldn't have been more proud of you. You showed me then that anything is possible and to never give up on anything.
As time as past I've really been thinking that if you going to prison brought about the BEST thing that can happen your life, so be it. If it took this, in order for you to have a relationship with God, then I'm fine with that. The most important thing to me is your relationship with God and that you've reached this moment in your life. Sure, I miss you. Yes, I wish you were here to experience these new things in my life, but honestly, this is better.
I know right now, you may not see it as I see it, and I hope that at some point in time you will be able to see it similar to this as well. So, my point of good things happen in really bad ways sometimes, is totally true for this situation.
Love you always,
January 24, 2010
Answered Prayers
Tracy Mingo is one of my favorite people on planet earth. She has showed me she loves me time and time again. She loves me for who I am, I've never had to be anyone different around her. She's there when I need it the most, and just when I want to hang out. I thank God everyday for putting her in my life and I honestly don't know what I would do with out her.
January 20, 2010
Sam Hand
So tonight, I got a text from Tracy saying "I'll have you know that the multi-action turn in Dominion is now referred to as a "Sam hand" haha, I officially love this game. =]
January 19, 2010
January 14, 2010
Lord, Only You Can Change Me
Doing this with someone else has been really helpful to because it's definitely kept me accountable. It's also allowed me to have daily alone time with God, which is something I've wanted to work on for a while now.
In a couple of weeks Carley and I are leading a group and we're reading the book: Lord, I Want to Know You also written by Kay Arthur. I'm super excited!!
January 10, 2010
BIble Verses
-1John 4:9-10
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
-Deuteronomy 31:6
"Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths; guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long. Remember, O LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Remember not the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you are good, O LORD."
-Psalm 25:4-7
"The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. The cords of death entangled me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears."
-Psalm 18:2-6
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. "
-Philippians 4:6-7
"The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
-Psalm 34:18