January 20, 2010

Sam Hand

So the other night I was at D and T's and they introduced me to this amazing game called Dominion. There are different cards that you can play that allow you to get points and what not. So on one of my turns I played a card that allowed me to discard all my cards in that hand. My following turn I got the normal 5 cards plus an additional 5 cards. Well, then I was playing attack cards, which allowed me to play even more attack cards, which lead to more money, which in turn lead to more points. Let's just say that that hand took me like 10 minutes to play. It was pretty crazy.

So tonight, I got a text from Tracy saying "I'll have you know that the multi-action turn in Dominion is now referred to as a "Sam hand" haha, I officially love this game. =]

1 comment:

  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this game, too!!
    Let's play again. Now. Ok? :-)
