November 30, 2009

Public programs and God

So, today at work we were playing Scategories and the topic I gave the kids was Thanksgiving. So the kids got in their groups and were coming up with all the things related to Thanksgiving. A minute passed and I told them all to finish up the word they were on and put their pencils down. Then we went around from group to group talking about what they wrote down. You got the obvious answers....turkey, stuffing, family, pilgrims, pies, etc, well then one answer came up that was obvious to me and some other kids in the room, but was a completely new concept to others. One group had written down prayer. And when they said it, the little girl asked me "Miss Sam what's prayer?" I was devastated. Some of the other kids started laughing at her because they grew up with it their entire lives, where to her, this was a brand new concept. And of course because we are a public program I was not able to sit there and tell her what it is. I was so heart broken. I just wanted to sit down with her and tell her all about God, but I couldn't. I had to ignore the question and continue playing the game. I wish there was something more I could of done, and I pray that she will be able to talk to someone about it who can lead her to God.

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